Our staff is our greatest asset

At Kindergarden we give your child all the specific attention they need throughout the day. Loving, undivided attention… We talk gently and maintain eye contact. We talk about what we are doing and what your child is doing, whether we’re feeding your child on our laps, changing diapers, taking them to bed or waking them up, and during play and discovery. We’re proud of all our staff who surround your child with the very best possible care at all times. As well as being incredibly committed, they enjoy sharing their childcare knowledge and experience with you. They are our greatest asset!

Learning from our staff

Your child learns a lot from other children and from our childcare staff. They know how important interaction is for your child’s development. They notice non-verbal signals, for instance, and listen, or give an encouraging wink, or a cuddle. They also challenge your child so they feel confident and dare to take that new step, without forcing or distracting your child from their play. Our staff are true experts in this form of guidance; knowing when to encourage or just to let go and observe.

Clear foundation

We aim to deliver the very best care for all children. They can only do this with a clear vision and well- documented and well thought-out guidelines. All our locations work in the same way, with a fixed team structure and horizontal groups. Our own childcare program provides a sound foundation, giving our staff the space to develop their own ideas and get creative within the areas of development that we determined together. And when it comes to exercise, this could include toddler yoga or dancing together. Or maybe we’ll do some gardening at our vegetable garden today?

All the conditions are in place to allow each child to develop optimally. Enriched learning spaces and sensitive staff. It's wonderful to see that our full attention is directed towards this every day.

Marjolein Pereira Gligo – den Otter
Pedagogical Coach

Kindergarden Academy

Of course, what applies to our children also applies to our staff. It’s important to us that they can keep on developing. That’s why our Kindergarden Academy offers a huge range of training and development opportunities, which we devise ourselves. One staff member may want to further develop their childcare knowledge, while another may want to take a child first aid course. We always consider our staff’s individual needs and wishes.

We form Kindergarden together

Every Kindergarden location operates in the same way. We compose our teams in the same way, with everyone having their own specialism. And, as they receive optimal support from colleagues at the location, our childcare staff can focus entirely on the children.’ For instance, the cleaning staff makes sure everything is clean and tidy and prepares a fresh, hot lunch for everyone every day. The full-time location manager is responsible for supervising staff, administration, and for answering practical questions from parents. Working together like this ensures that we have all the time we need to care for, guide, and help your child develop.

Get to know our location team

Read here which team members could be working at a Kindergarden location.

Related info

Why horizontal groups at Kindergarden childcare?

Did you know that a baby plays and learns with its whole body? Preferably in a calm environment? And that infants need to burn energy to develop strength and coordination? And toddlers? Yes, they mainly want to do everything by themselves. They learn to share through play and gradually start to understand their own responsibilities. In a nutshell: everything in every child’s world makes an impression - and everything also has influence. And that’s why our locations use horizontal groups.

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Childcare: Explore our Interior & Play Equipment

Walk into any of the groups and you’ll see clearly marked corners and play equipment everywhere. They invite you to investigate and play! We’d be delighted to tell you how we use our furniture at the locations. Like the play equipment, we ensure that this grows with your child.

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