Each age needs a different approach.

As children’s needs differ per age phase, all our after-school care offers different age groups, enabling us take into account the differences in the children’s development, interest, and age. We offer three age groups and also always focus on each and every child’s individual needs as well. 

Four to six years

We offer a clear structure in a permanent peer group. All our committed childcare staff help make the transition from school to after-school care as easy as possible, providing each child with the calm and space they need to find their place in the group.

Seven to nine years

Children in this age group are gradually becoming less dependent on parents and childcare staff. For them, friendships and cooperation are important. We help our children become more independent and self-reliant, giving them the confidence to take decisions and try new things. How? For instance, we hold children’s meetings in which we encourage them to decide what activities we’ll be doing.

Ten to twelve years

Your own identity, independence, and being part of a group are key in this phase, and it’s important that you can express your opinion and have your say. We involve this group in designing the spaces, purchasing materials, and organizing activities. At this age, children often go from school to after-school care and then go home or to a sports club independently. Of course, always in consultation with you as parent. 

Different levels for each age

We take your child’s individual needs into account at our after-school care locations.’ Your child can choose how to structure their own free time and the program is tailored to each new developmental phase. If children from different age groups participate in activities or projects, we adapt the level of the activity.

For instance, children aged four to six will have a different task in a carpentry project than children of seven years and older. Children aged seven years and older can use tools to build wooden huts, and the children aged from four to six years can paint them. Children aged between four and six years also do basic tasks when cooking, such as chopping ingredients, kneading, and mixing when baking bread, or making smoothies or soup, for instance. Children aged seven and older prepare more difficult dishes such as loempias, wraps with dips, and sushi.