From small to large after-school care locations

Each Kindergarden after-school care location is unique. This is due to the team composition and the space available at the location. Some after-school care locations have one space available, whereas others have up to ten specific rooms. That’s why we optimize the design of our room(s) at each location, which gives each after-school care locations its own unique character. 

Instructive and chill out corners

In smaller locations with less floor space available, we get creative with the space that we have. We create instructive or chill out corners (instead of rooms), or we combine two rooms so we can still offer a diverse range of activities. 

Large versus small

The size of an after-school care location also dictates the number of children we can care for. As daycare center we are bound by legislation and regulations relating to this, which is why we have after-school care locations that can accommodate one or two groups, but also have larger locations with more than eight different groups. 

Similar approach

Even though each after-school care location is different in terms of numbers of children, surface area and team composition; our policy and approach are the same. All our childcare staff at each Kindergarden location ensure that your child is challenged, develops, and has a great time! Because that’s important and we make a point of training our childcare staff in this.